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G&A Partners - Darwin Vande Hoef

G&A Partners - Darwin Vande Hoef


Human Resources

About Us

As your company grows, so do HR tasks and responsibilities – which often takes you away from revenue-generating efforts. (That’s not great.) But as a small or mid-sized business owner, hiring for multiple HR roles just isn’t reality.

When you partner with G&A, you gain immediate access to a team of HR specialists – or as we fondly call them, our “experts in red.” Employing best-in-class client service and streamlined HR technology, we help you better manage your day-to-day HR processes and tasks. You also get Fortune 500-level employee benefits, compliance support, and more. All for about the price of one full-time employee. It’s like hiring a million-dollar employee without the million-dollar price tag.

''PEO clients enjoy a 35% savings on HR adminstration, even as they enjoy a significantly higher level of services.''*

*national association of professional employer organizations, The State of the PEO Industry 2016: Markets, Value, and Trends


  • Human Resources
  • Employee Benefits
  • Risk Management
  • HR Tehnology
  • Payroll


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Rep/Contact Info

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View Personal Bio
Darwin Vande Hoef
Business Advisor
  • Phone: (310) 951-0632