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Rio Hondo College Foundation

Rio Hondo College Foundation


Schools | Training

Rep/Contact Info

Abby Balcom
Cultural Event Clerk
  • Phone: (562) 908-3471
Kathy Burdett
Curriculum Coordinator
  • Phone: (562) 908-3401
Christopher Cooke
Job Developer
  • Phone: (562) 463-7052
Dr. Marilyn Flores
Superintendent / President
  • Phone: (562) 908-3476 x Fdn
Renee Gallegos
Executive Assistance to President & BOT
  • Phone: (562) 463-7271
Grant Linsell
Dean, Arts & Cultural Programs
  • Phone: (562) 908-3471
Angelica Martinez
CTE Counselor
  • Phone: (562) 908-3476 x Fdn
M. Lea Martinez
Project Director, TPPP Grant
  • Phone: 463-3152
RIo Medina
Career Pathways Specialist
  • Phone: (562) 298-3397
Jonathan Olmedo
Santa Fe High School Rep
  • Phone: (562) 908-3476 x Fdn
Aaron Perez
Job Developer CTE
  • Phone: (562) 463-7044
Claudia Romo
CTE Transitions Counselor
  • Phone: (562) 463-3213
Gita Runkle
Dean of Business, Continuing & Contract Education
  • Phone: (562) 463-7359
Angie Tomasich
Administrative Assistant, Pres Ofc
  • Phone: (562) 463-7272
Ana Xulu
Secretary, Gov/Community Relations
  • Phone: (562) 463-7268